no angels

美 [noʊ ˈeɪndʒəlz]英 [nəʊ ˈeɪndʒəlz]
  • 网络不是天使;没有天使
no angelsno angels
  1. Can you picture heaven with no angels singing ?


  2. There were no angels visible in the swirls of color , but I knew they were all around .


  3. There seemed to be no angels or fairies interested in this luckless captive .


  4. Nadja Benaissa , 28 , former singer in the girl band No Angels made a tearful courtroom apology Monday in Darmstadt , Germany , for keeping her HIV status a secret from sexual partners , AFP reported .


  5. There are no perfect angels when it comes to moms and dads & we all get frustrated or angry and lose it from time to time .


  6. Females are no longer pure angels or evil devils . They possess their own traits .


  7. There were no choirs of angels , no music of the spheres , no elation , no ecstasy ,


  8. No angel-when the angels sing .


  9. No creator likes warring angels and so they are exported to creations destined for extinction and that absorb all the destructive patterning much like the Earth Mother .


  10. But of that day and that hour knoweth no man , no , not the angels which are in heaven , neither the Son , but the Father .
